Tag Archives: SRC

Debating teacher healthcare costs in a vacuum: SRC Subterfuge

Debating teacher health care costs in a vacuum: SRC Subterfuge

As published by WHYY NewsWorks.

“The ‘big picture’ problem with debating in the press about who pays what for Philadelphia teacher health insurance is that we are debating a tiny tip of the iceberg. … debating this insurance ‘tip’ in a vacuum is a sure-lose proposition.”

Like many other employees, teachers have a compensation package which has to be debated (negotiated) as a total package.

Many many other financial components and many many aspects of learners and learning conditions must be part of a full, fair discussion.  Let’s be careful.



Debating teacher health care costs in a vacuum:

SRC Subterfuge

full article, as edited @ NewsWorks WHYY,  click HERE